Sunday, December 2, 2018

Our problem is right under our nose

On July 4th, 1776, our fore fathers meet in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and made a declaration that they were now independent from British rule. On the surface, it would appear that what they were saying was a lie. It was almost laughable. 

In reality, they were actually still under British bondage. All they’d have to do is look outside the window, and they’d probably see British troops roaming up and down the streets. 

However, they made a decision to believe, speak, and act contrary to that reality. 

In the Declaration of Independence, the founders referred to “being endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. 

They also stated that “We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States”. 

Just where did they get the notion of declaring a nation into existence? I believe that it was in the same place that they got the references to the Creator and Supreme Judge of the World. It came from the Holy Scriptures. 

Let’s take a moment to examine the beliefs of our founding fathers, which caused them to declare a nation into existence, and how they came up with the idea of a declaration. 

When Moses first wrote about the Creator in Genesis, the Creator was declaring the universe out of nothingness by His words. Moses said that in the beginning when God looked upon the earth God saw darkness. (Genesis 1:1-4) Instead of complaining how dark it was God declared the opposite of what he saw. 

He said let there be light, and what God said changed what God saw. Light appeared. 

Moses taught in Genesis 17:1-8 how God also birthed a nation(s) through Abraham by using a declaration. Moses says God taught Abraham how to declare nation(s) into being by using Abraham’s own words to do it. God did this by changing fatherless Abram’s name to Abraham, which means the Father of Nations. 

At the time, Abraham was about 100 years old, his wife was barren, and it was impossible for him to have a child. 

By changing his name, God taught Abraham how to first change his own thinking by making him declare to everyone that he met that his name was now Abraham or the Father of many Nations. 

At first to Abraham, it must have seemed like a lie; however, before it was all over, Abraham had a child (see also Romans 4:17-23). 

Another famous teacher of a declaration in the scriptures was Jesus. Jesus not only taught the importance of having faith in God, but also in the importance of believing in your own words (i.e. declarations. See Mark 11: 12-14 & 20-24). 

Once while Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem, he became hungry. He looked for some figs off a wild fig tree full of leaves.

 After He didn’t find any figs, He declared to the fig tree that no one will ever eat from you again. Then, he went on His way.

 Upon his return to Jerusalem the next morning, His disciples noticed that the fig tree had withered up and died. 

His disciple Peter said, look the fig tree that you cursed has died! 

Jesus had not spoken profanity to the fig tree; however, He had spoken negativity to it by declaring that no one would ever eat from it again. His words killed the fig tree. 

Some people would say that only God himself or Jesus could cause something to die simply by speaking or declaring it; however, Jesus Himself would dispute that statement. 

Jesus further taught His disciples in that passage that anyone could in fact do it. (See in Mark 11: 12-14 & 20-24 again) He said not only could anyone curse a fig tree, he also said that anyone could speak to a mountain, tell it to move, and it would. 

He said the secret was to have faith in God (be lead by His Spirit before you speak), to absolutely believe in the power of your words, and to totally disbelieve in any obstacle that stands in your way. 

Truly I say to you, Whoever says to this mountain, Be taken up and be put into the sea; and has no doubt in his heart, but has faith that what he says will come about, he will have his desire. Jesus, Son of God. Mark 11:23. (BBE) 

Truly I say to you, The Son is not able to do anything himself; he is able to do only what he sees the Father doing; whatever the Father does the Son does it in the same way. Jesus, Son of Good. John 5:19 (BBE) 

Is there anything that you’re trying to break free of? 

Maybe the problem is right under your nose. 

It’s called your mouth. 

What are you saying about you? 

Do you go around talking about what you can’t do, holding onto the bad things of the past, and complaining that good things are not happening now? 

Are you exercising this declaration principle in reverse and cursing yourself by declaring negativity about you? 

I suggest that you learn from our founding fathers and do the opposite. 

Consistently speak positively about you, your family, and your employer. 

Find what God says about you in the Bible, follow the Holy Spirit’s leadings, and say what God says no matter what you are experiencing. 

I know that at first it may feel like a lie; however, just like our founding father’s declared something that was not as though it was. You must do the same.

M. H. Dennis

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Luke 17:1    (NKJV)  Then He (Jesus) said to the disciples,  “It is impossible that no   offenses should come, but   woe  to him  through...