Jesus taught his disciples that they have an uncanny ability to discern his voice (1).
Even in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray “LEAD us not into temptation (2).
In others words, He presumed that we already knew that God was in fact leading us. It is our responsibility to identify God’s voice in our hearts, and then follow His direction.
If we don’t train ourselves by practice to listen to His voice, then we will wander off into danger.
Furthermore, the Bible explains to stay under God’s protective shadow requires dwelling in the Most High’s shelter (3).
In other words, God must remain first place (Most High) in our lives to remain secure His protection. The Bible teaches that we must have faith to please God (4).
Faith is needed to be able to hear from God.
If we don’t really believe God is speaking to us, then we won’t listen.
Not listening to God puts us into bad situations.
If this describes you, don't blame God for it since He didn't in fact lead you there because you just weren’t listening. Even in the bad situation (not for the bad situation, but in it) thank him that you can start listening to Him, so He can lead you to a place of escape.
We are told to know God’s will (5), and not to know it or do it is a BIG mistake.
If you’ve NOT been listening to God’s voice, don’t attribute to God your current predicament. Your situation may be just a dumb mistake caused by not listening to Him(6).
Don’t attribute EVERYTHING to the will of God. If we do this, we’re really pointing our finger at God’s saying it’s your fault while accepting NO blame for not listening to Him.
We should look into the mirror saying I blew it because I just wasn’t listening to HIM.
Furthermore, don’t redefine good and evil. Since we all know the difference, it is a miscarriage of justice to redefine the two. Jesus taught that EVERYONE knows what good and evil really is when He said that even evil people know how to give good gifts (7).
To trade good for evil to avert blame for your situation is just plain wrong. God says woe to you if you do this (8).
I'm not saying that God will not lead us through some difficult situations; however, I am saying that we are bringing most of the bad stuff upon ourselves needlessly by not listening to HIM.
Most of us have not been practicing major sins; however, we have been detouring off the path just a little bit by not listening to His Holy Spirit. Then, we’re paying for it big latter.
Things like not eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. Then, our health eventually runs down, and we wonder what just happened when everything blows up.
Jesus taught about something we consider small that can even stop God’s word called Worry. He taught when worries accumulate they can even strangle a blessing of God. (9) I know that God can work out any situation for our good that we’re gotten ourselves into (10); however, it’s a lot better not to have gotten there in the first place.
Remember God's will is actually NOT being done on earth in most cases, or Jesus would not have instructed us to pray for God's will TO BE done on earth as it is in heaven (11).
Furthermore, Jesus taught that the power of the losing God's blessings on earth actually occur on earth and not in heaven (12). The example Jesus used to illustrate this is forgiveness (13). Jesus explains how good and bad things are loosed or bound by US on earth upon ourselves (14).
If we don't understand this spiritual law, we're bringing a lot of unnecessary pain on ourselves needlessly.
(1.) John 10:4 (2.) Matthew 6:13 (3.) Psalm 91:1 (4.) Hebrews 11:6 (5.) Ephesians 5:17 (6.) Hosea 4:6 (7.) Matthew 7:9-11 (8.) Isaiah 5:20 (9.) Matthew 13:22 (10.) Romans 8:28 (11.) Matthew. 6:10 (12.) Matthew 18:18 (13.) Matthew 18:21-35 (14.) Luke 6:37-38
M. H. Dennis
M. H. Dennis
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